Drive Results Through Great Design

Great design drives great results. Whether you run a business or a nonprofit, a well executed design strategy can put you ahead of the competition, set the stage for powerful communication, and with humanitarian organizations, raise your visibility for donors. Great design is always good for business. Check out this recent article from Why Good Design is Finally a Bottom Line Investment.

Companies singing the design gospel range from Comcast to Pinterest to Starbucks.

~ Fast Company

The Process

Great design is at the center of success in today’s visual and digital marketplace. To leverage design for your business, you need to understand the heart of the message. Whether that’s your vision to sell an amazing product, or to change the world, the process to make that passion visible is the same.

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    Ask powerful questions. The best coaches know that the best answers require some digging. The assessment phase lets us dig in deep to your challenges, opportunities, and hidden strengths.

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    Listen to what’s being said as much as what is not being said. This comes from an insatiable curiosity for discovery and understanding. Chances are, you don’t realize how much awesomeness your business truly has to offer.

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    Learn what makes you a rock star in your industry to create the best solution that connects to their customers. Examine how your business is unique against the competition so that your message is unique and rises above the market.

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    Design a client-centric branding and graphic system to drive revenue producing business. Refining your brand makes you more visible to your customers and creates a greater distance from the competition to open new sales.

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    Refine your unique design solution so that it’s firing on all 12 cylinders. We design each piece of a design system to work together seamlessly. Your message will be clear, concise, and fully integrated on every media platform.

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    Launch the project into the world. Whether it’s a new website, a stunning new capabilities brochure, or a challenge package for followers, you know the best hosting solution, printer, and delivery services are at your disposal.

Design isn’t just making things pretty; it is making the invisible and intangible visible, understandable, clear, and actionable. Always choose a design process that focuses on your results over surface decoration or style.

What You Need to Know About Branding and The Process.

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Your Name*
If you don't mind sharing, could you tell me a little bit about your business and the audience you're trying to reach? Anything you share here will remain confidential.
What can I help you clarify?
The first steps in clear communication are to understand your client, clarify the value you provide, and then develop your message.
What can I help you build?*
Based on the question above, what do we need to create. Choose any or all of the following. For larger projects we may collaborate with other artists, writers, or media pros. There are some amazingly talented people that I know who make everything they work on better.
What are you currently doing to market your brand and let the world see your awesomeness? Are there elements that we could continue to use?
If you already have a web site or good communication tools on hand we can import it into the new site and design projects. Please tell me a little about what you already have that works well.
Are there any web sites, (maybe a competitor's) that you like? Have you seen any other media or design that was simply amazing? (Even if you're not entirely sure why you like it.) If you could share that here, it will give me an idea of what kinds of design resonates with the message you want to communicate.
Is there anything else you think that I should know about you, your business and this project?
How much would you like to invest?*
Perhaps a better way to ask this question is "How much is a successful design project worth to the growth of your business?" I will work within your budget and do everything I possibly can to provide the best value for your investment.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.